Day 1 - Travel Day

Every great adventure has a beginning, and this was ours.  No dragons to slay nor mountains to climb, but navigating through various Canadian airports, London Heathrow, and Edinburgh Airport has it's own set of challenges!!

My Tuesday adventure started when Mark was kind enough to pick me up and drive us from London, Ontario to Pearson International Airport.  From there we met up with Jon and checked our bags.  Next we met up with Marie and Wayne, then Kyle and Ina before heading to London, UK. During check in a helpful agent suggested seats on the plane where there was no-one else sitting.  The goal being to have an entire row each to spread out and sleep during our overnight flight to London.  Nice!  (Take a look at the photo below)

Most of us got a few hours sleep (the extra space helped) by the time we landed at Heathrow Airport.  That airport is huge!  After waiting for several shuttles to takes us to the right terminal, and passing through customs and security we met up with Collinda who was coming in from Ottawa.  Luckily we all got to our next flight in time.  (Wish we had time for a good breakfast though eh, Jon?... oh well, next time). 

The flight to Edinburgh was short and sweet.  By the time we landed we were all itching for some fresh air.  Luckily we arrived on what we're told by the locals was one of the nicest February days Scotland ever sees!  Sun was out... nice breeze... about 10-15C... beautiful!!

Finally, the last leg of our day-long adventure was a shuttle to Stirling, Scotland where we past "The Kelpies" (see photo) ("They're "not quite" seahorses", according to our self appointed travel guide - Mark). 

Upon safe arrival at the hotel we all settled in and met up for a team dinner before calling it a night.

A couple recovery days lay ahead to help the team adjust to our surroundings - then the adventure continues on the ice!


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