Day 6 - Competition is Heating Up

"There is no better than adversity.  Every defeat, every heartbreak, every loss contains its own seed, its own lesson on how to improve your performance the next time." - Malcolm X

So was the case today in Team Canada's two games.  The first of which was another "down-to-the-wire" defeat on the last rock of the game.  This time at the hands of a talented Korean team.

Unfortunately, that meant after two games in the books Canada was still "Win-less".  The good news was that overall the team had a better performance, and the game could have turned in our favour had any number of things gone our way.  So it is in curling, where there is a fine line between success and failure.

We had lunch at the venue -- and Jon "took-one" for the team.
The Cheese and "Something?" Sandwich...
...Jon "taste-tested" it for us.  Verdict: Avoid
The team used the afternoon to re-group and get some "R+R" (ie. Rest and Recovery) before the evening draw where they faced off against Norway - who happen to be the reigning World Champions.     

Once again, Team Canada's supporters were out to cheer on the crew during their evening game.

Unfortunately, for the Canucks, Norway had their "A" game on display, with consistent play sprinkled with some spectacular shots resulting in another defeat for Team Canada. 

The skill level at this tournament so far has been phenomenal!!  Several teams have stepped up their play.  The good news is that Canada's best play is still yet to come.  Putting it all together is easier "said than done", but the fans, support staff and team are confident it's a matter of time before Canada's potential begins to shine.

Two more tough games are up next.  I'll have further game updates as well as more 'Staff Profiles' tomorrow.  Later in the week I'll highlight the exceptional volunteers at the event and share more insight on the role of the support team at the Games.


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