Staff Profile - Kyle Turcotte

Staff Profile
Kyle Turcotte - Team Leader
Preferred Name: Kyle
Hometown: Winnipeg, MB
Prior Team Canada Experience: Consulting with Curling Canada for 5 years.  I've also worked with Team Canada Women's Wheelchair Basketball, Women's Volleyball, and Paratriathlon.
Favourite Movie: Depends on mood - I have lots of favourites including all the Star Wars Movies.
Favourite Food: I like food, I'd lean towards Italian

"If you could invite 3 people out for dinner, who would they be and why?"

1. "Will Ferrell - who wouldn't want to eat with the Lone Wolf"
2. "Dave Grohl - he seems like a down to earth musician who'd have tons of interesting stories"
3. "Donovan Bailey - I'd like to know what it was like to be the fastest man on earth at one time"


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