Staff Profile - Sari Shatil

Staff Profile
Sari Shatil - Team Physiotherapist
Preferred Name: Sari
Hometown: London, ON
Prior Team Canada Experience: Team Canada Physiotherapist since 2014
Favourite Movie: Sound of Music
Favourite Food: Honey Garlic Chicken Wings and Salted Dark Chocolate

"If you could invite 3 people out for dinner, who would they be and why?"

1. "My husband Alon because he believes in me and fills me with positive energy so I can be my best."
2. "The Team Canada Wheelchair Curlers - because they give me perspective and inspire me to bring my best regardless of the state I am in. "
3. "His holiness the 14 Dalai Lama because he exemplifies respect for the world and for all people and he lives this truth."
"Lucky for me I live 2/3 of this wish regularly!"


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